Friday, August 24, 2007
What it means to be...
Hey people, I kinda am blogging quite often now.. coz you guys aint doing shit.. so well .. just for a small update.. tho i know u guys dont give no 2 shits on a 2 week break.. so ive got alot of time on my hands now.. anyway back to semi topic... on the wake of zils post on his blog which i read... id like to do a follow up sort of.. anyway I have this vid i wanna show you guys.. that i did myself... not sure if its good.. but hey... its always worth giving a shot... i know some of you guys already know my poster ? the flour sack poster ?? well i had to create a 3d anim for that.. like giving emotions to a flour sack.. its an age old exercise that most companies do to evaluate an animators skills... coz giving emotions to a flour sack is like giving emotions to a rock.. i used maya for the 3d..adobe premiere for the layout... photoshop for the credits.. and my illustrator poster that i created...Oh and the quality is a lil messed up coz of youtube.. i might be able to use bloggers vid upload but it takes forever and the screen is small as hell...
So that was pretty much what zil said in his blog about alignment, text and crap all applies to wat i just did .. it took me i think bout a week for the animation and maybe 2 or 3 days extra for my premiere piece..
Theres one question I always wanted to ask you guys.. do you think you have been living to your full potential till now ?? I mean like in everything you do do you put your soul and heart into it ? coz right now i dont think i am .. and i better start..coz in life i think theres only one shot to make something great.. and if you mess that up you might have another one.. but it wouldnt be as great.. tho everything is a learning process.. living at your full potential is almost everything that defines you as a student.. whats the point if you are not ? On the same note, i would not think most of the academic students wouldnt understand tho it applies to them as well.. coz when you design something.. or come up with some animation.. we think through things alot.. really alot.. i would not want to go in to detail.. coz id have to list down everything that exists in the world.. im not saying its easy for you guys who study.. coz i know its not.. ive been there.. the thing is . have you guys been in our position ?? prob once .. maybe twice.. but have you tried designing something?? from scratch ? from nothing? from a blank piece of paper? blank illustrator page? with a specific criteria? i might not think so.. so for those who think this is a joke.. what we do.. think otherwise.. coz for us we have to live at our full potential.. to give our best performance.. to give our best most innovative design...and yes i have critique sessions as well.. to brace us for our future endeavors in the field we work in...
P.S. It was really basic stuff that I learned that was why it was done in 1 week.. this was like a foundation anim class.. and through my 10 weeks in that class.. i did like maybe 2 weeks animation.. and im not an animator.. i just wanna make sure you guys know that... im in interactive and game development...
-Intelligence is great, but innovation is greater - Unknown
Thursday, August 23, 2007
As i take my leave.
sup ppl!
hey man, i need to pack my laptop and im leaving soon .. this is just gonna be short and sweet...
1. i wanna thank everyone for the frame.. its awesome and i will get it there 1 way or another..
2. i wanna thank those who spent alot of their time with me and those who took the initiative to call me out during my last few days here, i appreciate it hell alot that u guys bother.. u all know who u are im sure.. ahah.. dota/cs/poker/pd/running man(shouldve kembara la serious)/3am bak kut teh/yc/lunch/dinner... if uve done ANY or a combination or even all of that wit me then yea im thanking u guys ALOT!! it was great... i know u all have other things to do ie coll,work, gf etc.. thanks thanks.. ill nvr forget this place.. its been awesome.. although we mostly tk and poker and occasionally yc/movies/smokeup.. haha no i was kidding abt the 3rd one.. its all good .. its not wat u do, its who u do it with ...
3. thanks to shaun and zil for the advice for my trip... hope it helps .. ahahha .. if not fuck u 2 .. lol jk..
4. thanks RICHARD although ur onli gonna read this in 2 weeks time, for flying back just to see me for 2days and for mr.glen.. really really appreciate it man ...
5. whoever i didnt manage to spend time with or call out for a yc session (esp sabrina, hanken,boon,yam, and the rest of the mayang ppl, and lydia) im sorry i didnt call u guys/girls out .. i had alot to do the last few days.. my deepest apologies..
6. to the juniors, i had a good time poker'ing wit u all bitches.. (jeremy,kenneth,HANS,patrick,monkey,aiman etc) ... u guys btr take it slow wit the gambling man... im serious.. ur gonna be like those who borrow from loan sharks and kill urselves..
well thats abt it ... to everyone else, please have fun and take care ppl!!!! will contact as much as possible.. im out
hey man, i need to pack my laptop and im leaving soon .. this is just gonna be short and sweet...
1. i wanna thank everyone for the frame.. its awesome and i will get it there 1 way or another..
2. i wanna thank those who spent alot of their time with me and those who took the initiative to call me out during my last few days here, i appreciate it hell alot that u guys bother.. u all know who u are im sure.. ahah.. dota/cs/poker/pd/running man(shouldve kembara la serious)/3am bak kut teh/yc/lunch/dinner... if uve done ANY or a combination or even all of that wit me then yea im thanking u guys ALOT!! it was great... i know u all have other things to do ie coll,work, gf etc.. thanks thanks.. ill nvr forget this place.. its been awesome.. although we mostly tk and poker and occasionally yc/movies/smokeup.. haha no i was kidding abt the 3rd one.. its all good .. its not wat u do, its who u do it with ...
3. thanks to shaun and zil for the advice for my trip... hope it helps .. ahahha .. if not fuck u 2 .. lol jk..
4. thanks RICHARD although ur onli gonna read this in 2 weeks time, for flying back just to see me for 2days and for mr.glen.. really really appreciate it man ...
5. whoever i didnt manage to spend time with or call out for a yc session (esp sabrina, hanken,boon,yam, and the rest of the mayang ppl, and lydia) im sorry i didnt call u guys/girls out .. i had alot to do the last few days.. my deepest apologies..
6. to the juniors, i had a good time poker'ing wit u all bitches.. (jeremy,kenneth,HANS,patrick,monkey,aiman etc) ... u guys btr take it slow wit the gambling man... im serious.. ur gonna be like those who borrow from loan sharks and kill urselves..
well thats abt it ... to everyone else, please have fun and take care ppl!!!! will contact as much as possible.. im out
Saturday, August 18, 2007
To my two who are to fly the coupe.
And... whoever that's about to embark on a journey to the country of "dreams".
First and foremost, this post is for my two friends, one of whom has been my friend for ages.. and the other .. whos just there.. coz of my first friend..... hahah ! im just kidding ... and these people are ken and carmen. This post will be a post by me for them on tips about their stay in the US of A. Also, to those who might in the future embark on a similar adventure. haha...! I shall give insightful experiences and tips so as to help you guys settle in a little quicker than usual... at least i hope to...because i was not given any heads up .. you guys deserve that little bit dont ya think ?
Things to bring:
- Ken bring your balls, its gonna get cold up in Michigan since you're going right smack into winter. haha ! Carmen just bring a set of Winter wear.. haha!
- You might need at least one universal adapter just in case.. well i suggest so.. ok whatever im stating down is out of the ordinary ok.. their point plugs here are different... its the two flatty things u get...
- Bring some batteries, yes their batteries are like magnesium carbonated radioactive pulsar plasma liquid type, no they are not, just bring them, in case.
- Buy yourself a new wallet, cause i did... haha .. bring a portable hard drive... that comes in real handy... if you dont have one yet.. get one reallyyy quick..seriously... or in your case a USB drive.. that at least stores more than what you think you need.
- Carmen dont listen to Chia .. bring all your clothes... its shit expensive here...ok guys, stationery that can last you till the end of your first semester.
- Bring as many Blank Cds as you can... no till it fills your bag of course.. bring as many "lanun" cds you wanna use or watch or whatever you wanna do with them.. i dont know haha... cause whatever you want here remember are all orgiizz... so you know the drill...
- Ken i suggest you dont bring your "precious" "things" thingD.. if you know what i meanU... cause.. if you get checkedR at the airport... theyE will deport youX.. haha.. no im just kidding.. err..ill tell you later why.. but hey just bring it just "in case" huh rite ?? *wink* *wink* haha..!!
- Bring a chair, a table, a fridge, a stove, a microwave, some blinds for your apartment windows, some wires for your electrical wiring. Yea thats pretty much it... no dont bring all of those.. if you do ill laugh... no seriously... bring anything that you would think its expensive here... id suggest ur ipod.. if i can remember you lost it or sth.. get a new one.. if you wanna... its a tad bit more dont have to bring bathing stuff .. coz theirs are great..
- Bring asam laksa, nasi lemak, tosai, maggi goreng, village park nasi lemak, roti bakar and curry laksa for me .. thanks.. owe you one..
- Okay, i know people have big misconceptions about the native culture of the US.. so guys just remember that the people in the US are just as much as a foreigner as you are .. its just that they have been here wayyyyy longer... and once you step onto the US soil... you are one of them as well.. so dont be intimidated... unless their Native Americans. and i bet you have already studied that...
- First thing you might wanna know... to call back to Msia... once youve arrived on American soil... 0116-01X-XXX-XXXX... or just use +601X da da da...
- Tips are important here.. but hey if you dont wanna its okay! haha... just be yourself.. i dont think that needs saying.. but yea..
- Well, youre gonna have friends already with you so itll be fine... i dont knw how youre getting to your apartment... so ahha...I dont know why that matters... haha..
- Walmart can be your best friend at times.. just remember they sell almost everything you can think of.. even..gardening tools...Krogers would be groceries.. and Publix.. but they are quite expensive.. but cheap in a way.. if you can find an Asian market.. it would be muchh better..!!
- When you meet people.. students friends or wtv... when you get into a convo bout your bground and shit.. just say your grandfather rowed a boat from China to Msia.. and thats how you were there.. Ive been doing that.. haha..hey its true ok..!! i know my background...
- Fast food restaurants do not have chilli sauce... ketchup thats it... sad i know... but youre up north so im not sure..
- There was once in a restaurant I went:
Me : Hey mam, can I get some tissue ?
Mam : No, we've got napkins.. but if you want tissue theres a toilet back there...
hahaha... yea thats how it is here.. but you know it doesnt matter.. coz its just a small thing..
- Remember when i said you dont really need to bring "*" ? A lil bird told me that theres a brand.... TROJAN... its good... its really good... the ones you normally use... is nothing compared.... to TROJAN... hahah..
- What else... TROJANs good...
- If you get homesick or sth along those lines... go chit chat wif your friends... or hey...!! you can always get them brand new TROJANs out .. haha
- or bust out your phone and start +601X....choice is yours... haha..
Well thats my sum up of what I think you should know before you come... haha well it isnt actually.. coz ull be fine..its just a post for you guys.. but those things i stated generally that you should bring ... seriously take a look at them...
Disclaimer :- This "guide" varies from each person and may also vary between each state in the United States so take caution. It is also based on a persons own free will whether or not to take heed of the guidelines set by me.
Okay guys this is just a general thing.. so yea you know what i mean haha... If i dont get to check up on you guys..I want both of you to have a safe flight.. dont be strangers.. gimme a call when your in Atl... be good.. you'll be fine.. thanks for everything.. haha... bon voyage... and ill see you guys num is 404-644-8655
P.S. anything else just msg me or sth..
Hit the floor.
First and foremost, this post is for my two friends, one of whom has been my friend for ages.. and the other .. whos just there.. coz of my first friend..... hahah ! im just kidding ... and these people are ken and carmen. This post will be a post by me for them on tips about their stay in the US of A. Also, to those who might in the future embark on a similar adventure. haha...! I shall give insightful experiences and tips so as to help you guys settle in a little quicker than usual... at least i hope to...because i was not given any heads up .. you guys deserve that little bit dont ya think ?
Things to bring:
- Ken bring your balls, its gonna get cold up in Michigan since you're going right smack into winter. haha ! Carmen just bring a set of Winter wear.. haha!
- You might need at least one universal adapter just in case.. well i suggest so.. ok whatever im stating down is out of the ordinary ok.. their point plugs here are different... its the two flatty things u get...
- Bring some batteries, yes their batteries are like magnesium carbonated radioactive pulsar plasma liquid type, no they are not, just bring them, in case.
- Buy yourself a new wallet, cause i did... haha .. bring a portable hard drive... that comes in real handy... if you dont have one yet.. get one reallyyy quick..seriously... or in your case a USB drive.. that at least stores more than what you think you need.
- Carmen dont listen to Chia .. bring all your clothes... its shit expensive here...ok guys, stationery that can last you till the end of your first semester.
- Bring as many Blank Cds as you can... no till it fills your bag of course.. bring as many "lanun" cds you wanna use or watch or whatever you wanna do with them.. i dont know haha... cause whatever you want here remember are all orgiizz... so you know the drill...
- Ken i suggest you dont bring your "precious" "things" thingD.. if you know what i meanU... cause.. if you get checkedR at the airport... theyE will deport youX.. haha.. no im just kidding.. err..ill tell you later why.. but hey just bring it just "in case" huh rite ?? *wink* *wink* haha..!!
- Bring a chair, a table, a fridge, a stove, a microwave, some blinds for your apartment windows, some wires for your electrical wiring. Yea thats pretty much it... no dont bring all of those.. if you do ill laugh... no seriously... bring anything that you would think its expensive here... id suggest ur ipod.. if i can remember you lost it or sth.. get a new one.. if you wanna... its a tad bit more dont have to bring bathing stuff .. coz theirs are great..
- Bring asam laksa, nasi lemak, tosai, maggi goreng, village park nasi lemak, roti bakar and curry laksa for me .. thanks.. owe you one..
- Okay, i know people have big misconceptions about the native culture of the US.. so guys just remember that the people in the US are just as much as a foreigner as you are .. its just that they have been here wayyyyy longer... and once you step onto the US soil... you are one of them as well.. so dont be intimidated... unless their Native Americans. and i bet you have already studied that...
- First thing you might wanna know... to call back to Msia... once youve arrived on American soil... 0116-01X-XXX-XXXX... or just use +601X da da da...
- Tips are important here.. but hey if you dont wanna its okay! haha... just be yourself.. i dont think that needs saying.. but yea..
- Well, youre gonna have friends already with you so itll be fine... i dont knw how youre getting to your apartment... so ahha...I dont know why that matters... haha..
- Walmart can be your best friend at times.. just remember they sell almost everything you can think of.. even..gardening tools...Krogers would be groceries.. and Publix.. but they are quite expensive.. but cheap in a way.. if you can find an Asian market.. it would be muchh better..!!
- When you meet people.. students friends or wtv... when you get into a convo bout your bground and shit.. just say your grandfather rowed a boat from China to Msia.. and thats how you were there.. Ive been doing that.. haha..hey its true ok..!! i know my background...
- Fast food restaurants do not have chilli sauce... ketchup thats it... sad i know... but youre up north so im not sure..
- There was once in a restaurant I went:
Me : Hey mam, can I get some tissue ?
Mam : No, we've got napkins.. but if you want tissue theres a toilet back there...
hahaha... yea thats how it is here.. but you know it doesnt matter.. coz its just a small thing..
- Remember when i said you dont really need to bring "*" ? A lil bird told me that theres a brand.... TROJAN... its good... its really good... the ones you normally use... is nothing compared.... to TROJAN... hahah..
- What else... TROJANs good...
- If you get homesick or sth along those lines... go chit chat wif your friends... or hey...!! you can always get them brand new TROJANs out .. haha
- or bust out your phone and start +601X....choice is yours... haha..
Well thats my sum up of what I think you should know before you come... haha well it isnt actually.. coz ull be fine..its just a post for you guys.. but those things i stated generally that you should bring ... seriously take a look at them...
Disclaimer :- This "guide" varies from each person and may also vary between each state in the United States so take caution. It is also based on a persons own free will whether or not to take heed of the guidelines set by me.
Okay guys this is just a general thing.. so yea you know what i mean haha... If i dont get to check up on you guys..I want both of you to have a safe flight.. dont be strangers.. gimme a call when your in Atl... be good.. you'll be fine.. thanks for everything.. haha... bon voyage... and ill see you guys num is 404-644-8655
P.S. anything else just msg me or sth..
Hit the floor.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I was blogjumping that day and suddenly I stumbled upon :


I was like whoa nigga.
But those chicks in front are quite hot la.


I was like whoa nigga.
But those chicks in front are quite hot la.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Thursday, August 02, 2007
What if we were born in South Park?

This would be how we would look like.
If the text is too small, let me introduce you to them.
Top row (l-r): BenTheMusician, BONDAGEChee, BryanTheChef, KingTheSportsGuy and Chris the Dickhead.
Bottom (l-r) : Capt/AlcoholicRichard, KenTheFootieStar, ShaunTheWarrior and FazilThePhotographer.
Here's a closeup.

Here's a closeup.

If i missed out on anybody, wait for the next one. If i'm free.
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