Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Had a conversation today.

I was looking back at posts from 2006 a few weeks back about how we said everything was changing then. 4 years in and I never knew it'd be this different. Everything seemed to be not what we hoped for, but it happened anyway. Honestly, I think our lives here is close to nothing. I have very few things in life I want to last forever and truthfully, they don't include anything tangible. This is one of those things, so help me. Just wanted to say.



cw said...

shit man shaun.... ure right..
that was kinda of an emo post.. to be honest that year was the one of the best years of my like so far... damm..how time flies and how things have changed...it's crazy...and sadly, this blog is kinda dead too... oh well

cw said...


hanken said...

what happen to your chatterbox and the bar on the right side? everything is missing.