Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Let's try to keep this blog family friendly.

Whoa chris, that's a nice googled up picture of a cherry there. Nice nice.

I was thinking of a comeback and no, im not such a cliche till i went to google up a photo of a "dickhead" and paste it in this blog and write a paragraph how ur peculiarly distorted skull resembles one. However, I did get curious and googled it up anyway and my god, was the result shocking..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Don't flatter urself, i don't have THAT many photos of you.
They're all repeats la.

What? You think i did it myself? Here's proof.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
You're famous, i'll give you that.

Be well, my friend.

P.S/:I'm working on a comeback to yours, ken. Hahaha.

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