Tuesday, April 22, 2008


First of all, well said, Ken. All of us can only imagine what you're going through, but I am pleased to know that you're doing alright. What you wrote really gave us an insight on how and what you were thinking as most of us can only wonder.

To everybody else, rvn.blogspot.com will have a brand new look in the next 48 hours. No, the header will not be Andrew's photo with an "in loving memory" tagline. This won't be a blog that's going to mourn, this will be a place where we celebrate his life. Our lives. Past (with andrew), current and future (with his memory) events. Everything, together. Isn't that why we started this blog? To stay close, to maintain our bonds because we were scattered everywhere due the colleges we were studying in. Then we were scattered around the world, and now.. Andrew has left us. So that should inspire the sheer importance on how important this blog is. Well, not the blog, to be exact.. It's just a metaphor. The sheer importance on how, like ken said.. We should appreciate one another. No matter where we are/what we're doing.

Andrew's on words, "I don't believe that there's anybody out there that's as close as us." And I have believed that for a long long time. I still do, and will.

I'm working on it. I hope it shall breathe new life, a new beginning and no, Andrew will not be forgotten. Never will, as we have already silently vowed that none of us will ever leave each other.


"No matter what's the score."

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